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The Ryokan Collection
MARUMAGO Co., Ltd. Established in 1905
We have more than 100 years of history specialized in growing, producing and selling tea. Passed down through generations, the tradition and its vast knowhow lives on in providing the best tea to the modern-day world. The long history of green tea in Japan goes way back to the days of Nara era in 805, which resulted in providing the heart of appreciation to others, suitable to the diet, and for relaxation.
Green tea has many beneficial traits in aiding healthy lifestyle and to body maintenance.
Some of the nutrients that aid in such benefits are Catechin, Caffeine, Theanine, Fluorine, Vitamin, and Flavonoid.
These nutrients are effective to preventing dementia, tooth decay, cancer, bad breath, anti-aging, diuretic effect, digestion promotion, and virus prevention.
When focusing to Catechin, there are two components, Epigallocatechin (EGC) and Epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCG). EGC is beneficial in boosting immunity, while EGCG has antiviral effect. EGCG exists only in Japanese green tea, and not to other types of tea like Chinese tea or Black tea. Additionally, these beneficial nutrients aren’t contained to typical green tea drinks sold in pet bottles, as it can be extracted only when brewed using high quality tea leaves.

Japanese green tea can be brewed either through using hot water or cold water. And there is an interesting characteristic where its benefits differ through brewing temperature.
Drinking hot brewed tea can not only warm up the body from within, but it is effective in pursuing concentration through the derived caffeine. Additionally, EGCG is influential especially when it is brewed using hot water. Generally, the microscopic appearance of a virus is shaped with spike like substance, and this gets into human cells by piercing the receptors (ACE2) and combining. ECGC works to cap and to block off the unification point to the receptors, which results to prohibiting the possibilities of virus in penetrating into the human cells. In short, hot brew tea is beneficial to achieve antiviral effects.

Green tea cannot be brewed directly using a hot boiling water. The suitable temperature is 80℃. It is a very sensitive material, and the usage of hot boiling water will deteriorate the rich nutrients contained within the tea leaves, so its benefits cannot be attained. (Suitable temperature used for the other types of Japanese tea differs. For example, for Roasted tea (Hojicha) it is 100℃, while for Gyokuro it is 65℃,)

[Easy steps in achieving a hot boiled water to 80℃]
This is easily achieved by replacing the boiling water contained from the original cup to another. One replacement will decrease its temperature by 10℃. By performing this step twice, it allows to decrease 20℃, and therefore 80℃ is achieved. Again, the usage of 80℃ will allow to brew the beneficial nutrients contained in the tea leaves.
Cold brew tea is effective in increasing body immunity. In comparison to hot brewed tea, cold brewed tea cuts down on its caffeine amount by 50%. Additionally, by cold brewing the tea with icy cold water, the caffeine rate is cut down by 80%. Furthermore, this method will boost the extracted amount of Theanine, which provides relaxation. EGC is most efficient through this method.
By choosing hot brewed tea and cold brewed tea per appropriate situations on a daily basis, it will boost body immunity and will allow strengthening the body to withstand the negative effects of virus. Especially during these hard times with the spread of COVID-19 all around the world, it will be great if these relating tea beneficial facts can provide support in keeping everyone healthy.
For more information on The Ryokan Collection, click here

For more information and queries, please visit www.ryokancollection.com or contact our concierge at info@ryokancollection.com or +81 3 6824 1015.
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